Those shop are contract for hire. So it depends on who the ultimate driver of the schedule is. And sorry, several of the other major players do not contract with the same company.
HTC phones are built in taiwan. Samsung has their own facility as well.
Apple is a one big monopoly bully…period…[/quote]
So what you’re saying is that when Foxconn is making Apple’s products, workers are miserable and they jump. When making other people’s products, workers are happy and not jumping? Do you know for a fact that all suicides resulted from workers that were making exclusively Apple’s products at that time?
HTC is an engineering/branding company, much like Apple. They contract manufacturing to OEM makers, including Foxconn, but not exclusively. This is a common practice in the CE world. Not too many companies put all their eggs into one basket by signing exclusive contract-manufacturing deal with just one OEM maker. Apple too, has OEM deals with other companies, so it’s unfair to these other OEM makers when you generalize by saying that Apple makes workers jump out of building.
By the way, while HTC is a Taiwanese company, its phone are made in both Taiwan and China, not exclusively Taiwan.
Samsung does have its own facilities worldwide but they too, have OEM deals.
Apple may be a bully but how is it a monopoly? Is it their fault that competitors’ products are just not as attractive, appealing and/or user-friendly? Do you not have a choice on mp3 player, desktop, laptop and smartphone?