[quote=flu]This is what doing an auto deposit of $260/month into one vanguard account containing a basket of passive index funds for the past 10 years beyond the initial $20k seed deposit and maybe additional one time deposits totally $50k distributed along the 20 years looks like… Basically instead of two nice dinners each month…no frills, no guess work, no market timing. Not trying to get the highest returns each year.
You snooze, you lose[/quote]
Last 10 year happened to be one of best return period for stocks with S&P 500 return 14-15% compounded annually with dividend reinvested. But if you look at the market in the first decade of this century, it was negative for 10 year span. The annual compound return for S&P for this century from Jan 1 2000 (19.5 years) is just under 6%, lost even to junk bond by a decent margin.
I doubt we will see annual double digit return for the next 10 years.