[quote=flu]Since you repeatedly ask if folks visited Santee, I have to ask, have you looked in detail at RE in those areas like 4S/LJ/CV to be making such comparisons?[/quote]
I actually visited Sky Ranch/4S/LJ/CV/Stonebridge. At $800k, it’s definitely the upper echelon of Santee. I don’t think you will get bang for your buck there. However, the $699k one is much more reasonable. If it’s $599k, then I think it would be a great deal. I think they all have their place. Just like Escondido and Chula Vista, Santee is trying to have pockets of high priced houses. You do get much more value for your money in Santee, Chula, Escondido, etc. The view is fantastic in Sky Ranch and the lot size is huge. So, you’re trading zip code for large lot and a view. I do see the draw for these houses. flu, your car analogy is a little off. I think comparing a V8 Genesis to a 328i would be a much more appropriate analogy. Different stroke for different folks. Like you said, the majority won’t buy a $800k+ house in Chula/Santee/Escondido. That’s why the supply of those houses in those areas are much lower. However, for those who are in the minority who would consider those area, they get rewarded w/ value. Comparable house w/ similar lot size and view in Carmel Valley would be around $1.5M, in RB, probably around $1.3M. So, for some, lot size and view trump zip code.