Rule #1: Stupid men like to impress women with money.
If the woman is financially is independent, stupid men suddenly has no game.
Rule #2: Daughters always rebel if the dad is a complete nutjob. Daughter needs to discover herself that most men are pigs.
Rule #3: Daughters get all weird if there is a loss of a father figure while growing up. It has to do a lot with self-esteem. Don’t bail out on your daughter
Rule #4: Do stuff to build up your daughter’s self esteem. Sports, clubs,etc. If you don’t, some pig out there will doing a good job trying to tear it down.
Rule #5: Always teach your daughter how to turn her own wrench and drive manual transmission car. That would put most lazy men in their place.[/quote]
Excellent post, flu.
One thing about “independently wealthy” women is that they tend to want someone who is at least as wealthy as they are. Not sure that wealth would dissuade her from trying to date/marry a wealthy guy, but at least she would not NEED to stay with him if he turned out to be a jerk.
Regarding #3, it’s funny how people make such a big deal out of boys needing their fathers. I think that daughters need their fathers even more than sons do. You are so right about fathers not bailing out on daughters.