I bought a car through carsdirect.com few years ago. I’m looking at Pilot right now and carsdirect.com has better price than carwoo.com or truecar.com.[/quote]
What’s the difference in the price difference? I use to use trucar all the time. But scardey’s got me looking at carwoo.[/quote]
I am looking at Honda Pilot 4WD EX-L
Truecar.com: $34,246 (target price)
Carwoo.com: $34,823 – $35,667
Carsdirect.com: $33,865
The only issue that I had with using carsdirect.com was that I had to go up to Riverside to pick up the car. Everything else was super easy, drove to a dealership in Riverside, inspected the car, gave them the cashier’s check, drove away. That was in 2006, I was just wondering if something has changed since then since you did not mention them.