If the U.S. is bent of devaluing the dollar to achieve more favorable terms in trade exports, but then other nations (europe, japan, etc) follows suite to trash their currency too….Then relatively speaking, what is the value of buying gold?
I could understand if the U.S. is the only nation debasing it’s currency. But seems like europe and japan are following U.S. lead…
Yes China could conceivably coming out of this totally rich…But it’s like a party of 10 people. If 9 people are dirt poor and there is 1 rich guy that is flamboyant about it, pretty soon that one rich guy ends up getting beaten up and thrown out of the party…Relatively speaking for the remaining 9 people, no one is worse/better off than before
The global currency devaluations are probably the #1 reason people are buying gold. It’s the only “currency” left that can’t be easily debased. Everything else (stocks, bonds, some commodities) are too risky as there is so much manipulation, so gold is really the only thing left.