Pardon if I don’t understand your numbers, and frankly you don’t need to share. But I don’t understand how you could be in the lowest two income brackets and considering to retire in california at 39 with a family. Also , I don’t follow you you say you have $100k in equity and you plan on downsizing to a house in CA. So either your numbers are off, or your net worth is more than you are indicating (which again is none of anyone’s business here)…
The lowest two federal tax brackets for married (filing jointly) are for income under $67,900. I think the standard deduction for married filing jointing is around 10K. I wouldn’t expect my income to be higher than ~80K if I were retired or semi-retired.
Regarding the house, my point is that I could sell my home today and have 100K from the sale. I could then buy a house in CA with 20% down using less than 100K (if the house is less than 500K of course). The cheaper the house, the more left over.