Our politicians love to vilify rich people and anyone else. They love to get people all stirred up over political ideologies. That way they don’t have to deal with reality. They don’t have to cut entitlement programs, they don’t have to raise taxes for everyone, they don’t have to make cuts in public sectors, they don’t have made educational cuts. And everyone has their own self-interest to preserve what’s theirs. That’s the way it goes.
You keep repeating this nonsense as if saying it often enough will make it true. Unions have given/lost far more than “the rich” are being asked to give, even if all of the tax increases being bandied about pass.
Almost all of the cuts in recent years have been in government spending. Public sector workers have taken furloughs, pay cuts, benefit cuts, and have taken on more and more work as their budgets get cut.
In California, Governor Brown’s reforms have dramatically increased employee pension contributions, retirement ages, etc., and many employers have already moved to a two/multi-tier hybrid pension plan.
Additionally, all sales tax increases, license fees, etc. will take a much larger portion of the income of poor and working people than it will of “the rich” who are the biggest whiners around.
Stop spouting your lies, and quit whining about tiny tax increases that will barely affect your lifestyle.
Stop asking for everyone else to give so that you don’t have to. WHAT HAVE **YOU** GIVEN UP to make this state and country a better place for us and our children?