[quote=flu]Ok…So I have to ask…Did any of you or will any of you actually benefit from the health care changes. I guess folks with preexisting conditions that aren’t covered by a group policy from an employer will.. But I’m just curious if this is beneficial to anyone whom I consider in the need category (un-insurable or harder to insure category). I hope the answer is yes….[/quote]
We’re a pretty typical family – except that my husband and I are older than typical for having young kids.
I ran the numbers… since “preventative” care is paid for 100%, but the premiums only went up $5/month compared to the grandfathered plan. (I work for Mot, we’re splitting and one part is grandfathered, one part is “new” and therefore subject to HCR. We’ll come out ahead. $60/year = 3 copays. But no copays for pap, mamogram, kids checkups. That’s $80/year savings. I’m ahead $20/year. Other than that, the coverage is exactly the same.
If I were on one of the other plans offered by my work the benefit would be the elimination of the lifetime max. For me, that’s huge, since I’ve seen 3 immediate family members die of cancer. But that’s a hypothetical…