[quote=flu]Ok, as an added bonus question.. What is everyone’s current 401k allocation (and 401k, assuming subjected to the limits of your company’s/employer’s constraints)….
And as an second bonus question. Do you plan on rebalancing in the near future, and if so, what do you think will be doing and when? And also, are you really going to rebalance equally, or are you going to nudge things slightly one way or the other toward an class of investments?[/quote]
My 401k choices are less than optimum (a lot of funds with high fees – with 2 exceptions… I’m in those 2 exceptions.)
I have 30% in a stable value fund that’s paying about 2.5%. Better than any other fixed income option for me right now.
I have 70% in a Vanguard total market institutional fund.
That said – my 401k is a VERY small piece of my overall investible assets – I rolled my old 401k out to an IRA last year when my employer spun off my division and sold us. Everything else is self directed in Schwab and Fidelity accounts.
Our overall asset mix is 60% equities, 40% fixed income.
Breaking that down further:
40% large cap
10% mid cap
10% international
25% bond funds (about half short term, half total market – with some tips in there too.)
15% cash/cd’s.
I rebalance whenever it’s 4-5% out of this allocation. Right now it’s holding pretty close. None are out more than 3%.