Oh please. It’s going to cut benefits. Retirees are going to pay more for the same level of coverage. It also shifts part of the burden onto taxpayers….
You either pay more for the same coverage, or you pay the same as before and get less coverage…. Same thing….
It’s starting with retirees. But I guarantee you this will be rolled out to all non-retirees to. Terrible ..Absolutely terrible….[/quote]
I rarely take the side of big employers, but if an employer’s cost for health care benefits go up, employees are getting a raise. If an employer passes on those higher health care costs to employees, that is not a cut in pay. In this case, the costs being paid by the former employer are not going down. The former employee is now burdened with (and conversely the benefits of) changes in health care costs.
One of the worst things that ever happened to employees in this country is linking insurance with employment. If this helps to de-link the two, that’s a good thing, not a bad thing. It will (and already has) help reduce the velocity of health care spending cost increases.