signed the petitions and writing e-mail to my assemblymember.
already a victim of affirmative action back in the early 90’s, not about to see it happen with my kid too.[/quote]
You know….When I was going through school. I wasn’t like all the other kids in my class, asian or caucasian…A lot of them were really smart and didn’t need to “study” that much… In a lot of ways, I probably (by today’s standards) had a learning disability.
In elementary, those “joke” standardized Iowa tests, most kids I knew consistently scored 90% and above, I was down there around in the 56% percentile. And I had a reading comprehension problem all the way throughout high school… I couldn’t read fast(er), and it would literally take me 1/2 hr to get through 20 pages or so….I had to work twice as much as the average kid to achieve the same level of competence as everyone else. But on the surface, no one could tell the difference since I liked what I did and even if it was hard, I stuck doing it.
It was a real shocker when I got into pedigree ivy college, and when I got there even more shocking that it would have been far easier if
1) My parents had money
2) I was one of those protected minorities
So in short, so yeah I totally get where you’re coming from….Been there done that, and yeah, ain’t gonna let this happen to my kid without a bloody fight…
A lot of asians have(d )the thought process that the status quo is that well, as long as my kid does better than your kid (that is also asian), it’s not my problem…. It appears these folks are finally getting what a big problem it really is…And that’s a good thing..
I don’t think anyone is even asking for anything close to preferential treatment. I think what people are asking for is a level playing field…
Anyway, I’m done writing a dozen or so letters, and soliciting for a dozen or so organizations to pass the word around tonight…
And a few of the folks here that signed the petition as a result of this original thread I started, I’m very greatful that you took the time to do it. Thank you… Good night.[/quote]
Flashing back to college application process, I’m thinking, how come everything is so racial, didn’t the fact that we overcame downright poverty make any difference to these people? And don’t even get me started on the hypocrisy of La Raza once I’m in college.
Have you contacted some of the fobbie media outlet out there? If not I’m going start looking them up and calling, at least the Chinese speaking ones first, afterall, they managed to have a state senator from the 626 pull this on us and didn’t do a thing Bout it, I am still in shock!!!