[quote=flu]Looks like the some of the GOP is backtracking and now saying they are going to back Trump again.
Wow, my head is spinning. [/quote]It’s really not that hard to understand. They’re doing exactly what a lot of Americans are doing. Do what they can to save their job. On a KPBS show I was listening to the other day, one of the guest was saying that if they stick with Trump, they’ll lose ~12% of the independent vote but if they abandon Trump, they would lose about 12% from Trump supporter not voting for them. So, they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Damn if you do and damn if you don’t. So, they took a calculated risk and stick w/ him.
I’ve seen many jack asses in the private sector who will do whatever it takes to get ahead, so this is no different. IMHO.