[quote=flu]Just curious, do you have examples of the kind of seminars where you learn this stuff? I’m not sure I would do it, but as anything, there’s a lot of seminars that really aren’t seminars, and there are ones that are actually useful I guess. I’m just trying to understand how to spot the legitimate seminars from the ones that are like Trump University/Robert Kiyosaki), when ends up being an informercial and “training” that consists of trying to buy more training…(No I’ve never spent money on these classes, but did get a few free dinners out of them for just showing up a long long time ago)[/quote]
Now that I’m not working, I listen to Tom Sosnoff almost every morning from 5 to 8:30 They do tons of research, and know their shit. I’ve seen them present a few times, usually in conjunction with TD/Ameritrade Market Drive events. (Not a whole lot of selling stuff either.) So do the TD guys. I use their TOS platform (which Sosnoff developed and sold to Ameritrade for jillion dollars) to trade.