I’ve seen these games played so many times … If I were to guess, I’d say it’s not showing up under WARN because the RIF probably fell under the magic number…(The first two RIFs I believe was over the number so there was a WARN reporting for those)…And like I said, this most likely isn’t the last one. You can put two and two together….That’s all i have to say for now. I don’t want them to change what I think they are trying to do. In fact, I want them to walk right into it, if you know what I mean.
Note to self: add this company to my personal blacklist of companies never to work for. HP is another company that is on the top of my list.[/quote]
I have friends who work at Motorola (and a few who have been laid off by Motorola in recent months). Motorola doesn’t show up on the WARN list for San Diego. I presume they keep the RIFs under 50 per/week to avoid the notice – but what I hear – a lot more than 50 have been laid off from the San Diego site in the recent months. If they keep the number low per location, per time period – they can lay off a LOT Of people without filing WARN notices.
They also haven’t shown up on the Federal warn notices, but have laid off 8000 in the first half of the year. The federal rules are a lot looser, though (500/site)