In reality, I wouldn’t worry…We’re nowhere near that point yet in CV. Good grief if we are…
Have you been Roland Heights? You can tell, because as you approach the area, the street signs and billboards and advertisements all the sudden are all foreign characters. Some signs at least try to be bilingual and have both English and InsertYourFavoriteAsianLanguage here. But in many cases, they don’t even bother…
When we start seeing signs like that in CV, then you know it’s all downhill from there…..[/quote]
Rowland has gone the way of Monterey Park. But these places are more commerce centers for the average ethnic Chinese at large. I should have been a bit more specific, CV is going the way of the high end Asian Enclave. you certainly do not see the bilingual signs in San Marino, and in Irvine everything is strictly limited to the particular shopping centers.