[quote=flu]I’m planning on leaving my current employer for a better opportunity with a lot better comp package.
With my current employer, part of my retirement account is a traditional 401k and part of it is a Roth 401k.[/quote]
Odd to do a Roth through an employer – it kind of limits your selection. Was there some sort of match?
[quote=flu]Question: I understand that generally you do not want to rollover your traditional 401k into an IRA account that you had made after tax contributions to… Otherwise, it will be a major PITA to deal with sorting out what money is pre-tax versus what money was after-tax contributions when you start withdrawing…[/quote]
You can create a rollover IRA specifically for the task. (Create an empty rollover IRA account and then roll the traditional 401K into it)
But my question is for Roth 401k’s, there’s no harm in rolling that over into a Roth IRA that you already opened, right? I mean, Roth 401k and Roth IRAs are both with after tax contributions, and there’s no need from keep those sources separate, right?[/quote]
It should be ok.. check with the financial institution you are rolling over into.