[quote=flu]If you have money (and I don’t), just shut up and don’t talk about it….
Because if you have any sort of shred of wealth built or accumulated, obviously you must be part of the “rich 1%” (plus or minus a few points) that is part of the problem in the U.S… Hard work, savings, investing,living within your means, frugality had absolutely nothing to do with it…
Because it’s evil….
Just say you’re poor….[/quote]
Just saw this and thought of you, flu. I’d love to hear your take on the issues mentioned here.
As I’ve noted above, nobody’s saying anything against productive workers, or people who live frugally, or those who save their earnings. The problem lies with graft, corruption, monopolies, and the concentration of wealth and power that results from the exploitation of people and resources.
People like myself are advocating for the rights of workers. We don’t harbor any ill feelings toward people who work for a living.
John Steinbeck wrote his masterpiece The Grapes of Wrath at the age of 37 in 1939, at the tail end of the Great Depression. Steinbeck won the Nobel Prize and Pulitzer Prize for literature. John Ford then made a classic film adaption in 1941, starring Henry Fonda. It is considered one of the top 25 films in American history. The book was also one of the most banned in US history. Steinbeck was ridiculed as a communist and anti-capitalist by showing support for the working poor. Some things never change, as the moneyed interests that control the media message have attempted to deflect the blame for our current Depression away from their fraudulent deeds.
…The working class bore the brunt of the Great Depression in the 1930s and they are bearing the burden during our current Greater Depression. Steinbeck knew who the culprits were seventy years ago. We know who the culprits are today. They are one in the same. The moneyed banking interests caused the Great Depression and they created the disastrous collapse that has thus far destroyed 7 million middle class jobs. Steinbeck understood that the poor working class of this country had more dignity and compassion for their fellow man than any Wall Street banker out for enrichment at the expense of the working class.