[quote=flu]I think we also need to include an element of outsourcing and walmart.
So if you land on Walmart, you are forced to send 5% of your income to an entity called “China”
… And if you pick up an “you’ve been outsourced” chance card, you can only collect your 40% of your go money in the next 5 passes of “go”…..On the 6th pass, you don’t get to collect any go money until you get a chance card that says either
(a) “you’ve successfully been hired again”, which you get your full ‘go’ money back
(b) “congress has extended your unemployment benefits”, in which you can collect 40% of your go money from any other player still collecting “go” money and paying into the system.[/quote]
[img_assist|nid=14223|title=Perpetual UI recipient|desc=(Qualifies for everything so splits time between Walmart and Baltic Ave)|link=node|align=left|width=100|height=63]
Your walmart landings are going to a good cause …
And don’t forget, you’re also supporting the Mediterranean Ave salon! A little neighborhood commerce lifts all boats!!
When designing your new board, flu, wal-mart should be placed between Mediterranean and Baltic Aves, cuz these folks going back and forth don’t have new chrysler or GM tokens. They don’t NEED to move forward or pass Go anyway because they are getting 40% left and right from employed players wages no matter which way they turn.