[quote=flu]I miss the older generation americans. There were a lot cooler and responsible than some of these baby boomers, Generation Xers (my generation), Y, and millienium entitlement cry-babies.
That house looks awesome, especially the backyard….Uh… I miss norcal.[/quote]
Not so fast, flu. This home could very well be owned by “baby boomers.” My first house in SD had an avocado green “Sears Coldspot” s/s frig very much like the one in the pic! Many baby boomers are fiscally responsible.
I miss Norcal, too! I can almost “feel” the breezes on the deck overlooking Mt. Tamalpais just gazing at those pics! I can totally imagine that nice tall stone fireplace crackling with the patio screen open!
AK, are you considering moving?? I try not to look too much at RE in Norcal because I don’t want to “dream” about something I can’t do right now . . . lol :=(
HOWEVER, I’m going up to visit winerie(s) soon. It’s harvest season and time for the “crush” :=D