You suck at everything .You’ll never be able to compete with everyone else…Go be a mechanic and fix things the rest of the world is capable of creating..or go clean some toilets, or if you’re lucky, live with mommy/daddy’s trust fund they left you..
Now I understand why it’s been difficult to fill some positions or for that matter why this country is more or less screwed. 🙂
A good portion from most of those engineering types from India and China BTW aren’t “hotshots” by any means..More like a “copycats”, which I’m sure folks in biz can verify.[/quote]
A quote from one of my prior posts:
We need to encourage our kids to go into different fields and become the **best** at what they do, whatever it may be. That is what has and what will make this country great, IMHO.
Somehow, you’ve misconstrued this (and similar statements from other posters) as encouraging all of our kids to be ditch diggers (not that there’s anything wrong with that profession, BTW). I specifically said that we needed to be the BEST at what we do, but we should be doing all kinds of work, so that we can be more nimble and flexible when things shift. I specifically advocate being competitive when I say we need to be the BEST in a variety of fields.
You, yourself, eluded to the need for people to be able to go from job XYZ to job XXX. You can’t do that if we’re all trained in the same narrow fields. As a country, we cannot afford to all go into engineering because **it will weaken us** when the tides turn toward other industries that might not require engineering degrees/talent. No offense, but engineering is not the end-all-be-all of our society. It is important, but many (most?)of our greatest inventions came from non-engineers. Engineers come in handy when you want to convert an idea into reality, but they are not the backbone of our country. We need to respect ALL kinds of work, and the people who do it.
In some ways, a liberal arts degree can be beneficial because it helps people think “outside the box.” Focusing on one major/field of study and relying on others to regurgitate to us what “the experts” claim as fact tends to make us blind to other possibilities.
I’ll bet that the great majority of “successful” people in the world today do NOT have engineering degrees.