I don’t understand a lot of these fly by schools like University of Phoenix, Kaplan Devry,etc. A lot of them are a waste of money imho…
I think you’re oversimplying this and overgeneralizing that college/university is not necessary. It depends on what. If at all, in the right programs/career selections, it opens doors rather than shuts them. And of course, there are just some programs that are just waste of time.[/quote]
Frontline had a big story this spring on the private schools that documented graduation rates at for profit schools are half what they are at other schools. “Only 24.5% of for profit students graduate in six years with a degree. They enroll 10 percent of all post-secondary students, for-profit schools receive almost a quarter of federal financial aid. 86 percent of their revenue from federally backed student loans and that another significant source of Phoenix’s revenue is tuition paid for by federally backed loans for students in the US military So much for private sector.” http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/collegeinc/
“Students who took out government loans to pay for their education at for-profit colleges had a 21% default rate in the first three years they were required to make payments” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB126075983194590097.html