[quote=flu]He didn’t know the difference between stack versus help wrto memory allocation[/quote]
I think you meant ‘heap’, not ‘help’. Took me a sec – was trying to figure out how stack and help were related… ;-P
I didn’t use the ‘reply’ function, so your post is still ‘editable’ – unless someone else directly replied to it.
I also think that part of the problem is the lack of concentration in the basics in computer systems from Universities in general. I saw that more recently the work done at UCSD classes were more oriented to building from libraries (ignoring that someone has to build some of the libraries and to use the libraries effectively, you need to understand how they are created).
BTW, if a person is largely working in kernel space, what the heck were they doing w/o knowledge of the difference between stack and heap? That is kind of like having a blind bull in a china shop.