HA HA…Are you serious…Take a look at any compact florescent or LED based light…Find me one that is made here? I guarantee it will be either Mexico or China….[/quote]
Well, that’s a potential problem. If you spend stimulus money to create jobs, it’s not guaranteed that all jobs will be created in this country rather than in China. Conversely, when the Chinese spend money on stimulus, some jobs are created here. Global economy at work. But like I said, there was a buy American provision in the stimulus bill, and traffic light LEDs are not exactly your garden variety compact fluorescents, so everything is possible.
I couldn’t easily track down their supplier of traffic lights, but LA is also actively involved in replacing its street lights with LEDs, and the supplier of those (BetaLED) has a factory in Wisconsin. It may import some of the parts from China, but their streetlight spec sheet states: “Made in the U.S.A. of U.S. and imported parts. Meets Buy American requirements within the ARRA.” (ARRA = American Recovery and Reinvestment Act = Obama stimulus)
[quote]Eugene. With all due respect, you have got to be kidding. Are you actually defending ANY government in not being wasteful? [/quote]
I’m not saying that the government is not wasteful. It’s entirely possible that the government spent 9 million to install LED traffic lights and some private contractor could have done the job for 7 million. I am saying that “$1.5 million per job” and “$4.4 million per job” figures are a lot of bonk, they are created by unscrupulous people who hate the government in any form (and the Obama government in particular), and they intended to inflame and mislead people.