[quote=flu][quote=desmond]I hope Turner is gone, but you are sounding more and more like him:
Submitted by flu on December 18, 2012 – 2:44am
“Cool, time to start moving things back into dividends in a post-tax account again”[/quote]
Win or lose, right or wrong, Norv’s not gonna have a problem with retirement.
So I wouldn’t mind being him.[/quote]
Ha, I can see it now, skip to year 2015- Coach flu goes to Whole Foods to buy organic veggies, 2 Charger fans see him pull into parking lot, first they pop his car tires, then following Coach flu into store telling him how much he sucked. flu fires back, “yea but I got lots of money”, fans fire back “you still suck”. Coach flu skips the veggies and heads to Bevmo.