[quote=flu]Damnit.. I told you so.. I’m totally the contrarian indicator…
1. vlp 37.38/share after hitting all time high of 38.10
2. nxpi 55.60, after hitting 52week high of 56.24…
Need I say more?
I was kidding about shorting qcom. It’s just that I figure if I did things would go up, and I would like to make my friends richer who either work there or own shares….[/quote]
It looks like you are worrying too much about the short term. Be careful of buying into momentum (successive new highs).
VLP = master limited partnership, not your normal common stock. It’s only ‘real’ value is tied to dividends it pays. It also has a tax advantage, but considering the dividend size on this one, it really won’t factor.
Doesn’t make me feel comfortable.. will still look a bit more into it later. Would want the prospectus from this partnership to really look into it. Want to know their holdings.
NXPI = Cash flow (operating activities) is lumpy, most recent year has a sizable increase over last. Most recent quarter drop concerns me. Need to look into it. Most recent year shows operating loss, big portion of it under ‘Total Other..’ which doesn’t make me feel good. If it is that big, bigger than other expenses.. is shouldn’t be ‘other’. Most recent quarter also shows a big sucking ‘other’.
Will look a bit more.
I actually use TDameritrade.. I am not your ‘lazy’ investor.. but I am not a ‘day-trader’. Tried day-trading for a bit, did just ok, but I didn’t like seeing my trades being front-runned. Level 2 quotes allowed me to see the trade ‘stack’, and I saw it happening.