[quote=flu][quote=CA renter]Discrimination exists, no matter what. Let’s face it, a “merit-based” system is really discriminating on the basis of I.Q. Some kids can get a 4.0 GPA without even trying, while others will work their asses off just to get a 2.8 GPA. Which one will be the better worker? Which one “deserves” a college education? Which one would benefit most from a college experience?
Nobody “earns” a high I.Q. It is a gift, totally undeserved. Too many people with well above-average intelligence like to pat themselves on the back as if they’ve earned whatever comes to them.[/quote]
Wow. Speechless…
I thought you were a teacher before. If that was the case, didn’t you ever notice that the majority of the kids had less to do with raw “high IQ” and more to do with “hard work”..
Sheessh. Wow.. I hope this was sarcasm. Otherwise, thanks for demonstrating how fucked up things are…[/quote]
No, as a teacher (and a homeschooling mother of three children with widely disparate abilities and work habits), I do NOT believe that high achievers get to the top by sheer work and willpower. Not even close. Most kids who are top performers are gifted in some way, and it’s their innate abilities and the (relative) ease with which they can accomplish academic tasks and challenges that fuels their drive to push forward.