[quote=flu][quote=CA renter]
BTW, it’s not that I think ALL products made overseas are inferior. My vacuum cleaner is a Miele (love it!), which is made in Germany. But every item I’ve ever bought that was made in China has been of far worse quality than the same item that was once made in the USA. Can you think of something that is now made in China, that was once made here, that is of the same or better quality than the original, US-made product?
I also want to support countries that have labor and environmental standards that are similar to — or better than — ours.[/quote]
Yes… Most computers, most tv’s, most digital camera….All of them have a japanese name on them, but manufacturing in China…
So question: why are japanese branded products made in china still reasonably reliable while our U.S. counterpart products made in china crap???Perhaps Japan has speced out greater quality control than say U.S. greed companies???? I did a bit of research on the Mattel toy recall fiasco.. Interestingly, what Mattel did (or didn’t do)…
You know carenter, you really should redirect your attention to the corporate greedsters that are doing this versus “China”…If not China, it would be some other country that could produce things cheaper….Like right now, “Vietnam”….Because China manufacturing isn’t exactly considered third world anymore and the costs are getting higher.
The problem with U.S. companies (and U.S. in general these days) is greed. Greed at the corporate level (maximize profits with however seems fit)….Greed at the government level (pork)…Even greed at the individual level (entitlement mentality).
It’s absolutely disgusting what groups like UAW do to pin the blame on scapegoats “overseas” and “consumers”, when those so called american brands significantly import parts and outsource manufacturing elsewhere to places like Mexico and Canada. I don’t know why some folks have so much frickin fear of asia, but have no issues sending jobs to mexico. Or buying toothpaste from mexico…(which by the way, is exactly where almost all your toothpaste comes from these days…check the label you your crest,total, colgate tube….)[/quote]
Are those TVs, computers, etc. better quality than the ones originally made here? We’ve had a few TVs in our family that lasted for decades. We’ll have to see how long the new ones last. Difficult to compare tech products like computers because of the rapid technological changes, admittedly.
BTW, I have nothing against the workers (Chinese, Mexican, etc.) at all! My anger has always been directed at those who caused the outsourcing — the greedy corporatists, and those who think profits should drive every decision.
The UAW/union workers don’t scapegoat the foreign workers; they blame the executives and those who (again) make decisions that only seek to maximize profits, without any consideration for the long-term effects of their actions, or how their actions will affect this country in the future.