[quote=flu]But in all seriousness, come on people, you know this has no shot at passing right? You know Trump’s mo… Throw something out there that seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator of understanding, knowing realistically it has no chance of succeeding. Then playing CYA and saying “See, I tried to do something” and then assess blame on “Congress/Judges/The Establishment” for why it didn’t go through.
How many times have we seen this playbook now?
Trump won’t challenge the ACA, won’t challenge any of the court rulings. He’s just buying time and distractions on the next item to “fix”….I mean, if he actually did challenge and win, it would be considerably more work for his administration, and we all know he’s not really trying to do anything that requires more work…
You guys worry too much. I’m having a great time. It feels like everyone is drunk, and no one cares. lol.[/quote]
I think your take on this is pretty good. He craves good press about himself. He can’t get it on anything that requires hard work. History shows, he picked the wrong party for hard work when it comes to government policy.
I’ll give you something to worry about. There’s only one thing he really has control over that he doesn’t have to worry about congress or the courts, that’s his position as CIC. He doesn’t want to get mired into more muck in the ME. That’s already failed. Even he isn’t stupid enough to get into a war with that crazy fuck in NK. But I’m pretty sure he’s gonna start a war. My guess is Venezuela. Take out Maduro, quick like, and still leave the oligarchs in place. I’m hope I’m wrong. But he’s gonna drop more bombs and more people are gonna die. Because he wants approval.