The only thing you can really do is to shore up your own/family financial situation so that when the crap hits the fan (and it will hit the fan), you are at less screwed than other people. Everything else is window dressing.[/quote]
You can take care of your family and still care about society at large at the same time. No?[/quote]
Well, for a minority of people, yes…Those are the ones that are true altruists. You see them working/volunteering at food banks, helping out poor, helping out Katrina victims, helping our natural disaster victims,etc. The majority rest of the people might have lofty ideas, but very little in terms of actionable actions, and imho just grandstanding and postulating…
The true altruists…great for them. I admire them.. I’m not one of them…And I don’t bother pretending to be one with high preachy morales/ethics/whatever (though it doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t have any either).[/quote]
Those people tend to be conservatives. Liberals can be found at PETA.