[quote=flu][quote=birmingplumb]I have a Michigan HVAC License (#71-09303)
I worded my question carefully. “Air conditioning” could mean humidification as well. That said , not being a native of your great State, which I have come to love, as well as this forum and it’s beautiful people,I ask what Californians believe the term means and as expected most use the common sense definition. Thanks for all the time and interest I will update as soon as I learn outcome. Motown[/quote]
No sir. Air conditioning means air conditioning. Take it up with the landlord. Please do let us know how it goes.
IF your daughter doesn’t want to deal with the landlord over a central air unit, then one possibility is forthe landlord to buy your daughter one of these IN EACH ROOM….
We bought a similar unit in our rental because the master bedroom was upstairs, poorly ventilated, and incredibly hot in the summer. We used our own funds, of course, because the house was not advertised as having A/C. This unit rocks!!! If the LL gives your daughter any nonsense, tell her to go ahead and buy this unit, then deduct it from the rent. Have her put it in writing before doing it, though. She will have to leave the unit when she moves out.
OTOH, if an ad said that the unit was “air conditioned,” I would definitely assume it meant central A/C. While the LL might be able to get away with a window A/C as a cheesy way out, what he/she did is highly unethical. Everyone in Southern California knows that “air conditioning” in an ad means central air. If it’s a window unit, portable unit, or swamp cooler, then it will almost always specify this in the ad.
Best of luck to your daughter, birmingplumb. She certainly needs A/C if she’s pregnant in this weather. It’s been a very hot summer this year.