My life will be the same no matter WHO becomes our next president. If I have to remain on obamacare (if I choose to retire in place) until I’m eligible for MC, that will be the only difference in it (if HRC should win the election). And, in any case, obamacare will still be in place for all of 2017 no matter who wins.
Well, for starters, something that you’ve proven recently on this board is you do tend to have racist/xenophobic tendencies. That was a surprise to me. And like I said, ever since I learned about that, things are quite different imho. And more recently, you’re trying very hard to rationalize some of this behavior, which is interesting. You’re trying to make an argument that everyone is just too PC…
Uh, I’m the last person that really would care about PCness. Like I said, you learn from your Trump god, and we’re beyond just being PC.
You keep speaking here of Trump’s supposed “gaffes” and un-PC sounding talk … as you perceive it. Do you honestly believe that Trump voters are just like Trump? If you do, you’re far more delusional than I imagined you to be.
Not everyone. I tend to evaluate people on a case by case basis. When it comes to you, most definitely, you think and act exactly like him, minus money and financial influence to get away with it..
There were a few run ins with some adults at some social gatherings too, and yes they would fit in that category with you too.
So yes, so far, my run ins with Trump supporters have been people that are
1) racists
2) aren’t very well educated or informed (and I’m not talking about college degrees)
3) have an ax to grind because for whatever reason personal decisions they made in their life that affected them financially is somehow everyone else’s fault.
(rant about Hillary)
I wouldn’t know about Hillary. I’m not a big fan of her either. And like I said, at this point, it’s picking the lesser of two evils, especially when one side tends to be racists, xenophobic, and insists on blaming all of their social and economic woes on someone that isn’t (for the lack of the better word) white.
For whatever reasons, you’re fixated on Latinos somehow stealing finance/benefits/opportunities away from you. You thumb your nose at asians who are willing to work much harder than you, and for the most part have achieved more than you have because they were willing to put the time and energy into it. You talk about limiting asians with your simple minded “let’s give them harder English proficiency tests”, when the fact of the matter is many of them probably have better English than you or I (at least written)…
All of your arguments and ways of “addressing/limiting foreigners” are the same low class, ill-informed, low information things that that a rural bumpkin would say, based on outdated, ill-informed stereotypes that aren’t even true. I sometimes wonder why you even bother staying in California ,versus moving to a place like West Virginia.[/quote]As Reagan used to say, “There you go again,” flu, making up sh!t as you go along. You have attributed numerous ridiculous assumptions about me over the years with your posts (and that’s only the ones I’ve actually read). I have no idea how you come up with this stuff since I don’t have any posts on this board fitting the description of any of your outrageous claims of who you think I am. That is, when you’re not on here bragging about yourself and your accomplishments ad nauseam.
And btw, I don’t know if you were referring to me but you should know that I have no financial difficulties. Thanks for your concern, anyway.
Nor do I have any “ax to grind.” Do you?? It appears to me that you have had a big chip on your shoulder the past couple of years or so. And I’m not sure why.
You are certainly free to pick your “lesser of the two evils” candidate when you cast your vote. Nobody will stop you. And everyone else is free to pick their candidate. That doesn’t make them “racist,” “facist” (that comment is attributed to YOU, SK), “xenophobic,” thumbing their nose at Asians, or a “country bumpkin.”
Your perception of “Trump supporters” pidgeonholed into your three neat little boxes is not only beyond ignorant, this attitude is going to severely limit you in your life going forward, imho. Your perception does not in any way, shape or form represent reality but it is definitely all on you.
Thanks for posting. I am now more “enlightened.” :=0