[quote=flu][quote=bearishgurl][quote=HLS]Absolutely Flu,,,
Do u accept bitcoin or Monopoly money ?
I have to bite my tongue to not call the jerks out for what they really are, and even though they don’t think they are jerks,it’s obvious to everyone else.
I actually feel sorry for them.[/quote]Ha ha, HLS … As you may surmise, I, OTOH, don’t have any problems with calling a spade a spade, whether online, on the phone or in person. I guess that trait might have the effect of reducing my “popularity” around here …. lol.[/quote]
No, likeability is not your main problem. its just most of what you have to say makes no sense to anyone logical. And you have a track record of pretty much being wrong about anything investment,real estate, or finance related, as proven by any of your prior posts about those subjects. It seems like how likely you are to be closer to reality in those subjects is inversely proportional to how long your dissertation is on those subjects you absolutely know nothing about.[/quote]It’s a free country and you’re certainly welcome to your own opinion. I only opine here on subjects that I know a LOT about. You seem to have gotten a bit of a chip on your shoulder of late, flu and it’s not clear why. Especially over the issue of the UC favoring admittance of non-resident applicants over resident applicants by holding the non-resident applicants to lesser admission standards. You twisted the whole argument (and state auditor report) out of context in an effort to turn it into some kind of “race war” on my “CA university” thread and “shoot the messenger.” I didn’t make the recent state auditor’s report and was simply reporting it here.
If anything, you should be concerned that YOUR (hopefully highly-qualified) CA-resident kid(s) will be able to get accepted one day (if they just so happen to choose to apply to the UC).
Why don’t you head on down to SD/South County this weekend to one of the big political rallies and let off some steam?