[quote=flu]And it will be fun to watch a computer figure out when one county calls something “voter approved school bond” or something else “ad valorem” in one way, and anothe county calls it something else, and there is no “code” or “key” that computer system can parse universally.. Meanwhile, if this hodgepodge “system” is put in place and operational by next year, it would be even more fun seeing a bunch of tax filings incorrectly flagged, in person audits being requested, and then finding that their aren’t enough auditors to go through what most likely are correct reporting by filers (because after all, it costs money to hire more auditors…probably more so than how many people actually incorrectly file intentionally)… Lol, this is gonna be fun to watch….[/quote]
flu, no matter what colors or fonts they use, each CA county follows the same format in their tax bills:
A typical CA property tax bill is set up like this:
Parcel #: 111-1111-11-0000
Assessed value: $200,000
In this example, $2,040 is deductible property tax.
Description Tax Rate/Phone Tax Amount Total
County Wide 1% 2,000.00
College Gov .020% 40.00 Total Tax on Net Value (Ad Valorem) $2,040.00
Community College 800-111-1111 190.00
Mello–Roos/CFD 800-111-1112 800.00
Water Fees 800-111-1113 10.00
Total Direct Levy/Special Assessments $1,000.00
Total Property Tax $3,040.00
The Total Tax on Net Value is the only part that can be deducted on an income tax return.