[quote=flu][quote=AN][quote=flu][quote=AN]flu, I know you’re much more rational than this. Don’t talk like those crazy right wing nut jobs when Obama won in 2008. Everything will be just fine under either one of them. I am super grateful that we saw 2008 under Bush. There’s no way in hell I would be where I am today w/out that crash. So, if I’m lucky enough to see another 201k, that would be super awesome. Bring it on.[/quote]
Long term I know we will be fine.I am pivoting more towards for a “correction” right now than before, I really don’t want to live through another 8 years of recession with my money locked into stock on the wrong side of the fence. Over the next 8 years, I’ll have 1 kid going to college (with a major expense), I’ll almost be eligible to start receiving junk mail from AARP, and my reaction time will probably be so slow I probably won’t be able to tell the difference between a Cadillac versus a Porsche.
I just don’t see many positive events that could be driving the markets higher, especially with a Trump win, especially since it doesn’t seem like the markets like Trump. The markets seemed to have already factored in a Hillary win. VIX Volatility index went up, precious metals went up, and the major indexes did a reversal after news broke.
I don’t know, just seems “strange”. In a few days, we’ll find out….And if all is well, no harm in moving things back.[/quote]Why do you think time is different and if there is a recession that it will last 8 years? Even with the great recession, we’re better off today than in 2007. The market is a finical bunch. I wouldn’t put too much trust in their knee jerk reactions. Especially when we’re talking about something as long as 8 years. I would go all in if we have a pull back if Trump win. I would definitely sit in mostly cash by 11/7 though, just in case we get such a knee jerk sell off. That would be an awesome opportunity.[/quote]
the McCarthy era comes to mind.
8 years is a long time. We were lucky because the great recession didn’t impact high tech because for the most part most of the recovery and investments were in tech.
Remember the bush years? How did tech do then?[/quote]Which Bush? What happened to tech? If you’re talking about GWB, I thought tech recovered just fine after the .com crash. Going forward, I predict that $ will continue to be pouring into tech. So, I’m not worried.
Also, McCarthy era was ~60 years ago. A lot has changed since then.