[quote=flu][quote=AN]@flu, let’s do it. Clinton years were the good years and Bush years were the bad ones, right. So let’s return everything back to Clinton years.[/quote]
I really don’t have a problem with paying more taxes…if everyone has to pay more…
Because until that happens, it’s always easy for some people to suggest the government spend more money as long as it’s not theirs.
So at this point. I hope Bush era tax cuts expire for everyone…Like AYSO soccer. Everyone.. And everyone plays….
And really, if the Bush era tax cuts expire, it won’t really hurt the poor.. Not like poor people are thinking about 15% dividend tax rates or capital gains taxes.. So I don’t understand what the fuss is about if why we should extend these things for some people but not others. Hell, most americans can’t save worth shit anyway, and judging by a lot of comments recently, it seemed like a lot of them were clueless anyway that such tax breaks existed to begin with… So why bother keeping something that for people don’t even know or understand? Let it expire for everyone…
And while we’re at it.. Let’s let AMT kick in back to old times, so more middle class get ensnared by it too…
Maybe if everyone is asked to foot the bill for our orgasmic spending people would be a little bit more fiscally responsible once the dollars start coming out of everyone’s pockets.[/quote]
Agree with this. I don’t think we need to extend the **temporary** tax cuts for anyone. All those cuts and what did we get in return? More bubbles, a much greater wealth/income gap and a global economy that is on the brink of collapse. Time to rein it all in; the party is over (and good riddance to it, too).