[quote=flu][quote=AN]A few countries have solved this problem in the past. The two that came to mind is Cambodia and Vietnam. Cambodia killed all their wealthy and smart people (at least those who weren’t successful in escaping before the massacre). Then they “redistribute” the wealth to the bottom 50%. With Vietnam, they have the police go through all the rich people’s house and confiscate all wealth and “redistribute” it to the poor. I put redistribute in quotation, because it didn’t really happen. The poor continue to stay more but it’s just a different group of people that end up being rich.[/quote]
hey, that pretty much happened in China too.
the point is ultimately the PEOPLE do make a choice, and in the case of China, Vietnam, and Cambodia, the 99% of the have nots choose Communism. In hindsight it wasn’t a very smart choice, but when income inequity is so great, Pol Pot and Mao and Ho Chi Minh then start to look very good to the population at large.