[quote=flu][quote=Allan from Fallbrook]FLU: Outstanding post and spot on.[/quote]
I’m just trying to separate folks that are pissed off from the banking fraud fiasco from folks that are jealous because there are people that make/earn more them.
These days, especially with this Obama administration, the lines are pretty blurred.
*Rich/wealthy/business owner= bad,evil,dishonest
*Poor, welfare, overleveraged, bankrupt, credit card debt up the yazhoo = “hard working american”
If this isn’t Chairman Mao’s thinking, I don’t know what is. He must be laughing his ass off in his grave. Go figure.[/quote]
FLU: I don’t know if you’re a Christopher Hitchens fan or not. In my humble opinion, he’s one of the best political writers on the scene right now (you can find him at Slate.com and Atlantic Monthly). He’s also a reformed Stalinist who is pretty conservative now.
I just finished a book of his titled “Why Orwell Matters” and it’s chilling to say the least. It discusses demonizing one’s opponents Soviet style, Political Correctness and scapegoating, all of which are on full display in DC right now.
He who controls the language, controls the culture and he who controls the culture, controls the country.
For all his lofty rhetoric and promises of change, Obama is just as willing to engage in the politics of blame as anyone.