[quote=flu]. . . in recent times, there are far more degree options that are the complete opposite that don’t teach anything remotely to being practical….
If state funds are being used indiscriminately to support wide variety of degrees, much of which doesn’t result in helping people in the future earn some sort of living, than what good does it do for the state to continue fund those programs, when the output of those degrees don’t produce people who can join the workforce to pay their taxes and re-contribute back into the system? It’s a lose lose situation, in which dollars are being spent to get students degrees but don’t make them further employable, and then being unemployable they either have to go elsewhere out of the state or then will need state aid to survive….[/quote]
Completely agree, flu. Being “well-rounded” thru being exposed to “Shakespeare” and “Greek Mythology” (at a cost of abt $3500+ for 6-8 units) does nothing to make one employable. Absolutely nothing.
Taxpayer funds should not be used in this day and age to make students “well-rounded,” either in public university operations or in issuing gov’t backed student loans. Students who want that kind of curriculum can go to private universities and pay the entire (non-subsidized) tuition/fee load from their families’ deep pockets, IMHO.
There are way too many “well-rounded” young people out there now who have no work skills or work experience.
An exception would be a student majoring in English and Literature with a HS teaching credential.