[quote=flu] . . . I think all that has been proven from DOT is
1)Bob Baker Toyota stuck an improperly sized floormat into a car that eventually caused a pedal to stick (partly because of pseudo-poor clearance in pedal)
2)2999 others are ambulance chasers who were either trying to capitalize on an unfortunately situation or were just in denial that they stepped on the wrong pedal or both…IF there’s anything else to be proven, is that many americans will stoop to great length to extort money from someone/something else and not feel one sense of guilt/ethics about it and/or not accept personal responsibility….No surprise, looking also at the housing message… No wonder lawyers do so well in this country….
3)You have probably GM/Ford/UAW probably launching a campaign to blow this thing out of the proportion, with the help of a “professor” from that was also funded by GM.
Now if toyota would go after some of those ambulance chaser for fraud, that would just be icing on the cake….Not that I really like toyota….It’s just those fraudsters/ambulance chasers really out to be taught a less, just like those people that tried putting a syringe into pepsi cans…..Toyota can start with that James Wilkes character.[/quote]
You said it better than I could, flu and this “witch hunt” cost Toyota billions, which they will probably have to end up passing onto the consumer somehow. I DO think they can recover from all this, though.