flu – those popsicle molds are a great idea. I’ll have to see if he’ll go for it. He really likes the “cream” part of ice cream. Maybe I can nudge him in a healthier direction. I was getting him to eat some apples when they were in season.
Eating habits are hard to change. It’s a social thing, too. There’s stigma w/smoking and drinking, but people have to eat. Going out to dinner w/friends can mean unhealthy eating, depending where you go and what you select. You have more control when you do your own cooking. But when people work full time, it’s not always easy to find time and energy to cook.
During the winter I use a crockpot and toss chopped vegetables in there in the morning before I go to work. Dinner is ready when I get home. I got my girlfriend to do it w/chicken and she HATES to cook. She was happy to have a healthy option than fast food.