flu, that’s why I was hoping that the Seminar would be different. I was hoping it will challenge the students a lot more than regular public school curriculum. It’ll be a few years before he enter 3rd grade, so, hopefully, the budget problem will be resolved by then. I’m not looking for school program to replace parental involvement (we’ll be plenty involved), but I was hoping Seminar program can rival private schooling, so I don’t have to shell out the extra $ for private school if I don’t have to.
Your example of kindergarden “assessment” is kinda sad. My kid can do much more than that (except cutting along a straight line) and he’s not even 3 yet. I would expect him to do much much more than that by the time he’s 5. The 5 year olds in his Montessori are doing addition and subtraction by the time they’re 5. This is why I’m putting him in the Montessori from K-2 and hoping that Seminar will replace the Montessori for 3-5, but now, I’m quite skeptical if it can.