flu, re your last post, I understand where you’re coming from. I’ve had several close relatives who leaned towards a being “penny-pinching type” and died before being able to really enjoy life.
All had plenty of money to “retire on” but none made it that far.
One of them enjoyed the same “Cadillac” healthplan as the US Presidential Cabinet members.
Didn’t matter.
You can’t take it with you.
And thanks for bringing up the issue of the big insurers being able to negotiate “retail” medical fees for every visit and procedure down to a “deeply discounted” price (still expensive in anyone’s book). This is s-o-o-o-o important and is the primary reason to take out a policy or healthplan with only the most reputable, recognized health insurers in the US.
Luckily, Obamacare got rid of my $1M lifetime cap on my health plan and it is now either $5M or unlimited, I believe. Of course, after the rates are adjusted downwards by the big carriers, an insured individual today could feasibly die at least 3x (after lengthy treatment and/or hospital stays before each death) for $5M, lol :=0