FLU my wife got those same coupons you are talking about. Of course my wife already shops at the cheap stores for our son, i.e. Old Navy, Gap, Ross (I might add I am very blessed to have a wife that isn’t a Nordstrom shopper). I think we got one coupon for 40% off, which was pretty amazing and of course hard for any woman to pass on.
I had a chat with a family member that laughed at me about 4 months ago when I told him how bad the economy was going to get. Now he told me that he is praying it doesn’t get as bad as I predicted. My only fear is once all the poop hits the fan and our dollar eventually gets devalued will the items we are currently purchasing end up becoming much more expensive due to inflation? It seems inevitable that inflation isn’t too far off. With amount of debt this country currently owns and a never ending open wallet with the Fed, I can’t imagine prices will stay the same for much longer.
Maybe everyone should buy clothes for the next few years after Christmas (you better make sure you don’t eat too much stuffing, so you fit in those clothes). I know I am going to splurge a bit because I haven’t seen clothes this cheap since Carter was working on his affordable housing bill (actually I wasn’t alive, so I am lying)!