flu, I recall posting that the canyon where the original Carmel V sits (Del Mar Heights) housed migrant farm workers in illegal makeshift shacks for ~20 years. That is a FACT and part of SD’s history. I remember how messy it was when they all finally got evicted and it was AFTER the first couple of phases of new homes were completed and the new homebuyers (uphill) began complaining about the litter and noise in the evenings/weekends and their streets being used for ingress/egress. CV developers kept building despite the (almost 2 miles?) of shacks, sewage and filth (even regular prostitution) below so they obviously were banking on their ignorant homebuyers not craning their necks over the ends of cul-de-sacs with binoculars to see what was going on down there before they went into their trailers and signed on the dotted line. Evicting these people was one of SDPD’s biggest challenges in their history and the cleanup was massive.
Once again, you’re “shooting the messenger.” I remember this whole incident like it was yesterday. The whole town was talking about it and it was even on 60 minutes, I think. I didn’t make any of it up. That’s the history of your area, flu! You cannot unring that bell now.
Yes, I have in the past posted that CV was “overpriced” because it was nearly all on tract and many of its newer subdivisions either had too large of house built on a standard city lot (5K sf) or had substandard lots. But that was before I fully understood that it was mostly or almost wholly propped up by foreign cash. Now I get it and there is nothing that you or I or yuhtey or any prospective CV homebuyer can do about it.
If the OP doesn’t like what it on offer in CV, he is free to move his home search elsewhere. And yes, as he stated here, the stores and everywhere else one does their errands in CV are likely going to be crowded and lacking in parking spaces. “Road rage” isn’t the way to handle this, though, especially for a disenchanted renter who is free to move on.
The Ralphs at Willow Grove and Hwy 94 (near that good county listing I posted here) doesn’t have that problem.
And has One Paseo even broke ground yet? If you think it’s crowded in CV now … just wait! Big Development tried mightily for years to get permitted a 12 story highrise condo with commercial on the first floor in dtn Chula Vista about 10-12 years ago and it was summarily shot down by the City Council after months of massive citizen input. The fenced >3 AC lot still sits empty today.
I was truly sorry to hear that you CV-ers weren’t successful in shuttering the One Paseo plan and that at the end of the day, your SD Councilperson sold you folks down the river. That’s how the chips fall sometimes.
Carmel Valley will always be synonymous with density because that is how your esteemed leaders envision it so you all have no choice but to live with it. Some of us choose not to.