Flatulence, these people that you know probably don’t hang out here so don’t refer to it as a public stoning, pleeeaasse. If we wanted to read the newspaper we would but the purpose of this place is to voice opinions, you have no right in asking us to not give an opinion regardless of our connection to the victim. If these people got ripped off trying to send money to poor children if Africa, I’d probably stand out there with a sign in hand with them. But that’s not what happened, the lost money trying to get rich quick. I bet they are really nice people and have nice families and I wish it hadn’t happened, I wish the broker wasn’t a crook and they hadn’t been greedy. I’m curious since you know them how come you didn’t try to buy five houses on a Nurse’s salary, didn’t they tell you about it when it was going on. Or did they tell you and you decided that it would be stupid to take on so much risk (sorry am I allowed to use the word stupid). I lost a grand on ETOYS and a grand on CDNOW back in the dot com bubble and I’m still mad at myself for spending my income tax refund that year on two stocks with flawed fundamentals, my fault, my money, no trip to Hawaii that year, that was all and that is all anyone should risk, what they can afford to lose. Learned my lesson, made a better investment the next year and went to London and Hawaii. Maybe if I had borrowed two million dollars that I didn’t have and couldn’t afford then lost that rather than some extra cash I had, then nobody would be able to criticize me or you would defend me. Even if the brokers hadn’t been crooks they would have lost their asses buying that much real estate they couldn’t afford at peak prices. I could have, we all could have, but we didn’t because that would have been stupid (sorry again, keeps slipping out).