Five of the six carriers who left the CA individual market at the end of 2013 are just sitting back and chilling while Cigna sticks it’s toe in the water in SD for 2016. They want to see how Cigna’s “experiment” with offering high-deductible, high OOP plans to the masses fares before venturing back in themselves … to “select markets” with a plan or two … or none at all … as the case may be :=0
This (and the horribly incompetent Covered CA in combination with the active “estate-recovery laws” on CA’s books) is why the ACA doesn’t really work … esp for the over-55 set who doesn’t have access to an affordable employer-provided (or a Federal govm’t-provided) healthplan.
My retirement association DOES offer ONE PPO to its members but it costs ~$2200 month … no matter WHAT your age! That’s more than double my monthly pension :=0