Firstly, has anyone seen this birth certificate? I have and it looks a bit unusual if you ask me. I actually spent some time researching this topic and found that Obama’s BC looked a little too fresh and new to be an original. Looked something like the new CA pink slips.
I encourage afx, urban and the gang to do a little homework. Before you dismiss this as being conspiracy play the devil’s advocate for a moment. After doing further research Berg is a registered Democrat and actually brought a suit up against Bush and Cheney. There are some very interesting issues here and I do believe they are worth keeping an eye on. Another interesting piece of info to add to the equation was the recent expulsion of Jerome Corsi from Kenya. This may not be related but I did hear he was in Kenya to speak with some family members of Obama before he was arrested and deported.
Please don’t get your responses from Snopes and Factcheck because they tend to only use bits and pieces of information. There are plenty of places to research this topic from both sides of the spectrum. Use logic and be open to the fact that there may just be a little problem here.
Urban, I don’t think you are all that ignorant (my word for the week, that you don’t like), I just feel that some of your responses are too quick to the keyboard which sometimes leads me to believe you haven’t spent the time researching the issue at hand. No hard feelings against anyone on this board. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, but make sure that your opinion isn’t merely backed by Snopes and Factcheck!!