Filner should resign. Even if he didn’t do any of the things people accused him of doing, he didn’t handle his response well. When you stand up to established power brokers in the city, you’re going to make enemies and they will do things to hurt you or simply give you enough rope to hurt yourself. Once he admitted acting inappropriately, he lost my support.
Had I known Filner had such horrible boundaries, I still would not have voted for DeMaio, I would have simply written in Fletcher, whom I voted for in the primary. I was extremely disappointed when DeMaio used Fletcher’s pro-LGBT voting record to make the case as to why the SD GOP should not back Fletcher. DeMaio lost any chance at my support when he sold his soul to Charles LiMandri by agreeing to shut up on social issues. That screams of politically corrupt behavior and selling out your constituents. DeMaio could have taken a completely different, groundbreaking approach and won the GOP nomination by focusing on his fiscal victories while making the case for LGBT equality as a conservative issue. Instead he sold out many of his constituents because he desperately wanted the SD Republican nomination.