[quote=Fearful][quote=CA renter]
Pretty sure he wasn’t happy about the fact that he wasn’t circumcised as a baby. He’d probably suggest to everyone that they should have their boys circumcised as infants.
Just had to offer another perspective.[/quote]
Understood. Some adult men wish they had been circumcised as babies. That is unfortunate but does not offset the ones who had been cut and wish they hadn’t. You would have to have all adult men wishing they had been cut as babies for that argument to hold. After all, in medicine, “first, do no harm”.
There is really no good analogy. The appendix does no one any good; you find no one glad they still have theirs.
If we ritually cut some portion of female genitals, almost regardless of the health benefits of doing so, the feminists would have rightly put a stop to it long ago.
Here is a rough contra analogy: Women who suffer radical mastectomies can get insurance to pay for their reconstructive breast surgeries. They have a right to an intact body, even though at that point the breast is completely cosmetic, and the surgery is dangerous, relative to leaving the chest alone. Similarly, insurance will pay for certain vaginoplasties, even though such vaginas will be used entirely for psychological benefit. Why aren’t we similarly respecting male rights to having intact bodies?[/quote]
We’re not in disagreement at all (see my previous post on this thread). Just wanted to note that some adult men do have to be cicumcised, and that it’s (supposedly) an even more painful and traumatic surgery at a later age.